OUR SERVICES 2019-03-01T09:14:51+00:00

Sundar Nepal overseas Pvt.Ltd Overseas Currently provides the following services.

  • Overseas Recruitment

Sundar Nepal Overseas provides skilled and unskilled manpower to other countries through Sundar Nepal Overseas.

  • Human Skill Development Training & Orientation

Sundar Nepal Overseas provides training and orientation to both skilled and unskilled manpower before sending them to other countries. We also provide Human Skill Development Training.

  • Polyclinic & Diagnosis

Sundar Nepal Overseas provides health checkup Diagnostics to all skilled and unskilled manpower who want to apply to other countries for working visa through Raj Overseas.  Raj Polyclinic & Diagnosis Centre Pvt. Ltd. independently handles all the health related issues.

  • Travel Management

Sundar Nepal Overseas provides travel management to all the workers who are going abroad as workers to abroad countries. We ensure they have hassle free travel before they are received by their working company .